Title: The Unreleased McCartney II: The Lost McCartney Album From The Original Test Pressing
Artist: Paul McCartney
Label: none
Label: none
Year: recorded 1979-1980, unreleased
Songs: Front Parlour/Frozen Jap/All You Horse Riders/Blue Sway/Temporary Secretary/On The Way/Mr. H Atom/Summer's Day Song/You Know I'll Get You Baby/Bogey Wobble/Darkroom/One Of These Days/Secret Friend/Bogey Music/Check My Machine/Waterfalls/Nobody Knows/Coming Up
Written by: Paul McCartney
Produced by: Paul McCartney
Thoughts: Ooo....a bootleg...I guess my slate isn't entirely clean, now...is it? Anyway, McCartney II is one of my favorite Paul solo records for its' originality and sheer wierdness, plus it is entirely different from anything else Paul had ever done or has done since. To my surprise, the album was initially planned to be Paul's first doulbe studio album and when I saw this bootleg, I promptly snatched it up. The listening experience is certainly...different, especially when it is compared to the streamlined single LP that was issued in early 1980. Still, if you are a fan of that LP, I insist that you track this down. It is an interesting exploration of Paul's mind at the time.
Rating: 6/10
(The actual LP will get a full, proper review soon enough.)
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